I do not know this body in which I live anymore
Like a house in a dream I wake up in it I move from room to room But everything is different Alien in unanticipated ways My thighs which when bare used to crush together as people on a Tokyo subway car Now barely kiss Close cousins in childhood who only see each other at funerals these days Hands and feet have become knobby at the joints Tendons undulating as the digits move Pulse fluttering periwinkle beneath the veil of flesh They used to wear a thick cloak Hiding their intricacies and vulnerabilities Revealed only when bombarded by high photon energy But it is not only the appearance of my body which has changed So, too, has its function Where once 13 stairs were a chore 117 no longer quicken my breath I hurl myself to the floor Kick out and back in Jump up and reach for the sky Over and over Because I can Standing from a sit effortless It doesn't require working up to After a pop quiz of physical calculus I draw my knees to my chest Hold them there Embrace myself comfortably The whole of me encircled within my arms But this house I'm dreaming Is drafty Cold all the time And so easily bruised Blood blooms beneath the veneer In oily rainbows Spills for which I cannot account I careen into things Forget the impact Left with an ugly souvenir Like so many blackout Amazon purchases Without the economic drain Or the surprise awesomeness I know this thing is assuredly mine By the scars And the freckles The keloid chicken pox scar on my shoulder The anime eyes But I wonder for how long Will I always know myself Or will the scene shift and leave me in a nightmare Of my own unmaking
Scenarios ripe with possibility
Taken home in paper bags Part of a meticulous plan Place them on the counter Attend to other things Lay them on the cutting board Slice them open with gleaming knife edge Only to find them rotten inside Blackened Furry Larvae wriggling in their hearts And you starve In early childhood I learned
To beware pretty people born of money I'd been plunked down on a chunk of rock Toiling with celebrities, their children, their grandchildren They taught me they didn't understand need Let alone want The words slipped from their rosebud lips And the thing appeared Glistening and unmarked I was an heirloom teacup Packed and moved a hundred times Hairline cracks mottling my insides A chip on my rim I'd never been filled to the top Because the money wasn't there to do it These golden godlets would think I was fun Pick me up Roll me from hand to hand Pretend to make their dolls drink from me But they would grow tired I didn't have the bells and whistles of modern toys And so they would throw me to the ground Hoping I would break Little did they know I'd been enchanted, too But not like them There was iron in me If they'd looked closely They'd have seen my cracks were grey and not cream Frustrated, they would discard me And a poorer, wiser kid Would pick me up To fill me with clear, cold water Seeing in me what they knew of themselves Refusing to climb the mountain
you know will kill you Is not passivity Spending money and time accumulating gear Getting to the base Hiring a Sherpa These are all steps in your procession Because you will run out of oxygen And fall asleep there on an outcropping Perhaps your hypoxic dreams will be exciting But you won't wake Your body frozen in place A monument of predestined failure You will be a landmark to those who follow you "At Green Boots, you're halfway" Because the search and recovery process Is too dangerous And too expensive For anyone to mount Your best hope may be that someone Will kick you off the side Send you for one last flight Before shattering on the ground A perverted sky burial Better to save the effort Mount smaller, survivable expeditions Put something toward retirement Fill shelves with photo albums And die quietly with those who love you The Last Stand isn't as heroic as it sounds I have never had an inkling
To make our years grotesque To dishonor the time we spent loving one another the best way we knew how I wonder what can make someone say they love you more than anything and don't want to lose you But then be unwilling to take the steps needed to keep them. Is it unwillingness? Or inability? Would your discomfort have been so great at having to go from static to dynamic that you could walk away once the denial wore off? That when push came to shove, you shoved yourself out the door? You represent half of my life I can't throw you away Or erase you Or tell you I hate you Because that would mean I'd wasted my time You weren't a waste Aren't Nothing I can say or do would prove that to you now But nothing I can say or do would make you prove that to yourself So now I am here In this home I bought for us And you are there in someone else's Have they grown tired, as I did, of your reliance? Or are they handling you, as I did, with kid gloves? Not because you belong to them, But because your ego is fragile and you are their mirror Reflecting back at them all of their failings Looking at it from this distance, I can say it's not my fault Looking at it from this distance, I can see nothing was right Looking at it from this distance, I can still say I care I found a box of old letters
Handwritten and yellowed I thought I could still smell her perfume She signed not with love but with a lipstick kiss And just a single initial, R His were in there, too Gruffer, more perfunctory Smelling only of aged paper Written in capitals to her cursive Signed with love, Peter She talks about missing him How her days stretch long before her without him near Her irritations with the typing pool and her sister's upcoming wedding He talks about ice and cold, hard work He encloses a penguin feather A bundle of rusty nails held together with twine The letter says "Shackleton's hut" There is a photo of him in chunky white boots One knee to the tundra Looking steely into the lens Either she never sent him anything more than words Or he kept them Hid them from commanding officers and other soldiers alike I arranged and read them in chronological order I wanted to feel what they were feeling Across continents and time They longed in the ways they knew how Some of his were blacked out Intercepted by censors Sensitive information that couldn't be shared I didn't notice that the last one wasn't in his writing Nor in hers But someone else's "We regret to inform you..." There is a scratching inside the walls
Partnered with occasional moans I tell myself that it's mice But mice aren't the reason I keep to the center of the bed They aren't why I tuck myself in tightly Mice don't taunt you in the small hours Chattering like teeth about bone dust Wetly mouthing your exposed toes Leaving itchy slime down your leg Like mice, these things have tails I see them as they snake through my doorway But the light is so low And my head still fuzzy And they move so fast That I convince myself I'm seeing things And go back to sleep A snow globe shaken too briskly
And with wet hands Will inevitably fall Crashing to the ground Snowing glass shards On unsuspecting feet Upon examination The fantasy held inside Is just flecks of plastic An anchored figurine now unmoored Its face chipped Antifreeze, the irony And water The dynamic scene presented Now revealed to be static False Bits spread across the floor They'll cut you if you're not careful More careful than shaking a thing With slippery hands What if the whispering of fairly tale ghouls were real?
Would they come for you in the night and snatch you from your bed Bony fingers tangled in your still damp hair As they pull you across the hardwood floor Your arms and legs flailing for purchase Knobby elbows and knees catching on the gaps Giggling at your whimpers Please please please let me go Would they put you in a cage made of bone Lashed together with sinew Dine on you so slowly Sharpened fingernails the color of rust slicing slivers of flesh like homemade egg noodles (The bits on the inner thighs are their particular favorite) Forked blue tongues lapping at the seeping wounds Thirsty for every drop of blood and lymph Eager for you to move because it flows so much more quickly Oh no no no no no please I'll do anything Would they take you out and hold you Wrap you in scratchy rot scented blankets Caress your filthy cheek with gnarled knuckles Smooth your torn nightgown Sing you screeching lullabies Bile rising in your throat Rock a bye baby in the treetop Would you hear them as they return And know that they won't keep you much longer Because they've brought your replacement And she smells so nice Her skin so perfect Her eyes so clear Her hair so shiny Her teeth so white Her thighs so full and unmarked You could just eat her up "Luke, you are the piece I hadn't known was missing. Today, that piece will be permanently joined. I promise to love, support, and care for you in all the ways you need, in fair weather and foul, illness and health. I vow to be respectful, loyal, and honest -to laugh and cry with you. From this moment, I join my life with yours, standing by you always."
I spoke those words eight years ago today. He is, and always will be, a part of me. My promises still hold even though we've grown apart. The strangest part of everything about today is that I feel surprisingly little. It's as if it occurred in a parallel universe and another me had that day. Oddly, the furrow on my finger where my ring rested for so long looks deeper today, but that might just be because I'm looking. |