My heart in pieces
In velvet lined boxes Spread far and wide Still beats I hear it at night When the power goes out When the fan goes silent And it pounds in my ears I'm here I'm here I'm here I resent its resilience Its tacit refusal to stop But it's been some time Since I lay alone in silence Hating it Yet I still feel it The increase of fear pricking the back of my neck The decrease of another disappointment Beats lost to a foolish investment Aching in the hollow space beneath my ribs I wonder if its guardians hear it Thudding on mantels In closets Threatening to throw the clasp Leap back to itself To me I ask why it persists An answer never provided Except for the insistent I'm here I'm here I'm here
If I strip it all away
The varnish and the shine Let the finish dull Will you still see That I have good bones? Wipe the kohl from my eyes The stain from my lips In decisive swipes Reveal the pale beneath Let the fear and weakness show Will you have the courage To hold my hand? I am so much more Yet so much less Than the sum of my assembled parts Contradictory cogs spooling themselves away Inside my head The work never done In my dreams You leave me I scream whispers to make you return And I'm alone still When I awake An arm stretching across sheets cool From absence In my waking imagination You could love me if only I thought it was important
To recognize And celebrate And embrace The days and years we loved each other As often as possible I thought that the day at 19 When we said I love you For the first breathtaking time Was as worthy As the day at 27 When we cried and said our version of I do I thought you would learn To value what was us As much as I did But it never came And you mocked my sentimentality I think I'm better off without you Free now to create special days To recognize And celebrate And embrace The days and years I will love myself As often as possible I think someone else Will want to share these with me To build me up Not to minimize me for their own gain Branches reach
As fingers to the sunrise Desperate to hold What is too far away Shot through with vermillion Sailors take warning But the tree still yearns Undeterred by threats of wind and water Its roots reach deep Bark thick and whorled Resolute Promises were susurrated Before the leaves fell With no intention to break them Keep reaching Survive Until the distance is closed The welkin finally embraced Or rot sets in Limbs crashing to earth A trunk remaining A testament to having tried Still longing You are a late autumn sky
Offering glances of sun Retreating Leaving me cold As the wind picks up I lift my face to the glow Hoping Stay As the clouds scud back And I stand Waiting Watching For one more revelatory moment I can never predict Warmth or snow Can never dress for the occasion A failing forecast I want to go inside But I can't stop standing here In anticipation I am tired of the platitudes
Of "what doesn't kill you" apologists What doesn't kill you doesn't make you stronger It just doesn't kill you all the way What doesn't kill you leaves you broken Irreparable Leonard Cohen's light getting cracks What doesn't kill you makes you brittle Susceptible to more breakage Rare is the one who says I want that shattered thing What doesn't kill you makes you angrier Wary of anything that looks like what didn't kill you Because it likely still walks What doesn't kill you makes you sadder Grieving for what you've lost Can never have again What doesn't kill you makes you hungrier For something that will never fill you Jaws gaping, stomach growling Still empty What doesn't kill you makes you tired It didn't kill you but you're still Fixing the unfixable Fighting the unfightable Mourning your own incomplete death Feeding the insatiable It is too much to hope
This week That Sunday services In stark white churches In unincorporated towns Will focus on the teachings of Christ As they were meant Men in white robes Have spent the year Their lives Blaming Eve, Pandora, Lilith for all sin Love thy neighbor only if his eyes are blue And you can call him sir Here we are. Again. Still. And I am angry. I am fearful. These feelings that won't go away. The advice is not to normalize and I'm not. Because I can't.
I keep thinking back to a conversation I had with an older couple the other morning. I've been engaging more with those I normally wouldn't and they were among them. I asked them, with their white, wealthy liberal reputation, if they would intervene on the behalf of someone in danger in our new world of KKK endorsed presidents. The woman looked at her husband, as if to request permission to respond. He looked at her, as if to tell her "you handle this." She said to me "we have in the past." That was it. Her words had been carefully chosen and her message was clear to me. She had intentionally left out "and we would again." What she was telling me was that they've done their part, passed the torch. They will sit and watch as swastikas are painted on buildings. They will avert their eyes when hijabs are forcefully snatched from women's heads. They will remark on the age of the tree when the lynchings begin. Chances are, they will blame me when I'm assaulted. These people who marched and resisted passively are choosing not to aid their children and grandchildren in our time of need. They fought for unity and now they sit away, actively divided. They're doing it because they got what they wanted from their own movement but never felt a need to share it. They've retired in comfort, can travel at will to their own safe enclaves. Even the torch they're passing is unlit. They hold the matches and refuse to give one. I didn't realize it at the time, but that moment hardened me. In the days and hours since, as I've dissected her words and tried to make sense of them, extrapolated five words into so many more, I've wanted to rescind my response to her. My response was "I accept and respect that." I neither accept nor respect what she, her husband, and an entire generation of freedom fighters are currently doing and I've resolved to return their favor. They paved a path as far as they needed to go, left a pile of bricks at the edge of a dark thicket known for its savagery and told us we're on our own. And so, when someone like me, someone less averse to inciting violence picks up one of their bricks and throws it at her face, I will look her in the eye before the moment of impact, I will say "you forgot this." and I will lay my next brick with bleeding fingers and tears in my eyes. I've hated you since I was an ugly lamb
A creeping slithering feeling Deep in my skin Saw your fleece for its falsity Knew you for the predator Nobody else saw And it frightened me Run and hide You adopted our mannerisms Learned to bleat But the timbre was never right I was the only one to hear the hissing Now your disguise is wearing thin Tattered and crusted with muck They're seeing you for the first time What you are They're seeing me too I was never an ugly lamb I was a mongoose Now that I know The truth of each of us The tale tells itself Today I am a broken doll
Golden curls tangled Face cracked and spidered My hands and feet lay beside me Crushed to porcelain powder Stuffing stringy at the stumps But I am still here My nation did this to me Left me to waste Declared me dirty and useless But they failed They failed to harm my mouth To mar my Cupid's bow And I may not be able to move from this place But I can still scream You thought I was loud before Pull the string See what I have to say now |